Bot protection without captchas

If you're in need of a user input field like a comment box or a contact form and you want to protect yourself from unwanted and automatically generated content, you will most probably use a captcha. They are proven to be very annoying and the harder they get to solve for a computer, the more impossible they get to solve by human. Since there are some widely used solutions available, many bot...

Differences between REST and SOAP

Have you ever heard the sentences "REST is so much better than SOAP", since you're using SOAP and not REST. "It is so much effort to change the interface". Then you're most probably a developer for an enterprise web server. Its right, changing an interface is always a big effort, but having a proper interface description should never be considered as a pain. So from a SOAP perspective it's all...

The Problem with PGP

E-Mails probably is the most insecure way to communicate. But most people are not really aware of it. You can send an E-Mail from almost every server to every recipient and of course, if you control one server that is in between the sender and the recipient, you can read it all in plaintext. Here's a little illustration how E-Mails work. ...

HTTP Post Multipart

After some research about http multipart I came up with a basic implementation in Java supporting to post the Content-Type multipart/form-data. There are a lot of information about multipart in the web and complete modules, but not so much reference implementations. Here is mine. It supports the fluent style pattern and returns the server data as a String. The post method can be called multiple...

EBCDIC File Viewer

Wer stand nicht auch schon mal vor dem Problem, eine Datei von dem Mainframe im Binary Mode heruntergeladen zu haben und diese nun nicht öffnen zu können. Das Problem ist, dass die Datei einerseits in IBM EBCDIC Kodiert ist und zum anderen für gewöhnlich keine Zeilenumbrüche hat. Das ist natürlich schlecht, da geläufige Programme dieses Format nicht unterstützen. Das wohl bekannteste Programm,...